Saturday, July 30, 2005 So I'm off to band camp tomorrow. I am excited and also dreading it. I always have so much fun and I will be spending a week away from my mother which I desperately need; however, I am really going to miss not being able to stay up as late as I want talking to everyone. I will miss everyone, and I expect to hear anything and everything exciting that happens while I'm gone. Virginia Faith at 10:45 PM 0 Comments:Sunday, July 17, 2005 I was watching my sappy afternoon television shows-- you know the ones where there is always a couple that is meant to be together and 90% of the time they are-- and the couple has this big messy argument and they end up breaking up. And so I was thinking, this is why my situation is great: no messy breakups. Later another couple is out celebrating a 3 month anniversary and the male in the couple goes through all these romantic gestures to show his lady how much he cares about her. And I was watching this, and I kind of became jealous. No boy has ever done anything remotely romantic for me, not really anyway. I suppose I am still in high school so I should just cool my jets. But really, it's a no-win situation. Have a serious relationship and go through breakups. Don't have a serious relationship and miss out on couple things. I suppose for now my greatest fear has decided this for me. Virginia Faith at 10:37 PM 0 Comments:Sunday, July 10, 2005 Main Entry: [1]love Pronunciation: 'l&v Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lufu; akin to Old High German luba love, Old English lEof dear, Latin lubEre, libEre to please Date: before 12th century 1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties Main Entry: [2]love Function: verb Inflected Form(s): loved; lov-ing Date: before 12th century transitive senses 1 : to hold dear : CHERISH 2 a : to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for b (1) : CARESS (2) : to fondle amorously (3) : to copulate with 3 : to like or desire actively : take pleasure in 4 : to thrive in I only find about half of these definitions to even be true. But more importantly than that, I find all of them to be inadequate. To be in love is so much more than every one of these definitions combined and then multiplied by one hundred. Virginia Faith at 12:12 AM 0 Comments:------------------------------------------------- {xoxo} |
![]() Name: Virginia Faith DOB: February 22 Hobbies: Music Heros: Christopher O'Riley, Joshua Bell, Bond(the string quartet), Vanessa-Mae
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