Saturday, October 23, 2004 I hate being sick. I feel so miserable. And the bad thing is I'm really good at making everyone around me miserable too. I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way. Sorry guys. At least it's not a bad cold. I will be better soon. (Notice my optimism) Virginia Faith at 4:09 PM 0 Comments:Wednesday, October 13, 2004 Laura brings up a good point. So here it is: Saturday, October 16 - Galena Competition & Del Oro Competition Friday, October 29- Carson Competition Saturday, October 30- UNR Competition I don't know times off the top if my head so if you want them just ask me. If you really want to come to one I really recommend the UNR comp. It will be the most prepared since it is latest in the season. Come and see us! PSAT should be a swear word So today sophomores had to take the psat for the first time. I mean it doesn't determine anything this year but still, it's a major cause of stress in my life. There are five sections and on most of them we get 25 minutes. I didn't actually finish any of the sections. I would get to the end, but I had skipped so many questions that I never had time to go back and answer them all. Grrr! I'm so glad that's over, at least till next year, when it actually counts. Virginia Faith at 6:32 PM 0 Comments:Sunday, October 10, 2004 Douglas Marching Competition That's right, Marching competition number two. So now guess what place we got. That's right, first place! We so deserved that too. It's not like we had the hardest competition in the world, but still, first place, that rocks! Our trophy is nearly as tall as one of our drum majors. It's huge (either that or our drum major is small, which she is)! Yey for Reno High! Virginia Faith at 1:10 PM 0 Comments:Tuesday, October 05, 2004 A brief, random thought Sometimes it almost seems like I'm still stuck looking at the world through the same perspective as freshmen year. Virginia Faith at 4:32 PM 0 Comments:Saturday, October 02, 2004 So I finally got to see J S Cha play today. I mean I've heard a recording before, but every time they've performed I've had to be somewhere else. Not this time. Let me just say that they rock. Besides them having a super sexy bass player, they just rock. They really are an awesome band. Check them out! J S Cha Today was also our first marching band competition. I wasn't there for the awards ceremony (I was checking out J S Cha's awesomeness) so I didn't get to see what place we got. But I just talked to some who said we got 3rd out of 5. Not too bad I guess. Next time will be better. I think we have a good foundation to build upon and now that we can fine-tune things, we will steal the show. Virginia Faith at 9:23 PM 0 Comments:------------------------------------------------- {xoxo} |
![]() Name: Virginia Faith DOB: February 22 Hobbies: Music Heros: Christopher O'Riley, Joshua Bell, Bond(the string quartet), Vanessa-Mae
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