Sunday, March 27, 2005 I am sitting here sipping my tea and listening to the Dandy Warhols adoring the thought that I can stay up tonight listening to Joe Frank's most attractive voice and not worry about whether I will be capable of waking up for school on time the next morning. I glance over to the framed pictures I have sitting on my desk. Only people who have captured my utmost compassion earn a spot here. If you were to be so lucky as to lay eyes upon these pictures you will notice that besides my cat, only two people belong there. These pictures of people starring back at me are my most precious moments. How fabulous to be reminded of such wonderful times everyday! I figured out today why I am so drawn to the Dandy Warhols. First I begin by expressing that I hate that name. How can such a horrible name describe such a fabulous band? I do not only adore this band because I discovered them through young prince charming. I find that when I listen to them I forget everything in my head that could maybe upset me. I hear this band and I feel like I am in a dream world. If I were into intoxicating my body with foreign substances, this is totally a band I could see myself smoking pot to. But since I am not, I enjoy the natural inside feeling I receive from listening to them. Virginia Faith at 10:12 PM 0 Comments:Friday, March 25, 2005
I can't think of a better way to have spent the last day before spring break. I was kinda bummed to think about not getting to see prince charming for over a week. I mean, a weekend is one thing, but a whole week? This is torture. Back to today - I had so much fun with him today. He is unbelievably easy to talk to. There wasn't a single awkward moment. Sigh...
Virginia Faith at 4:59 PM 0 Comments:Wednesday, March 23, 2005 I had fun tonight, again. Virginia Faith at 9:44 PM 0 Comments:Tuesday, March 22, 2005 So for I while I had decided to give up on prince charming for several reasons. -1. He is not the only boy of attraction. -2. I've heard he is a little shallow, problematic. But after talking to him after school today and I am beginning to doubt number 2. I had decided he wasn't my type. However I have very recently revised that thought. Number 1 is still an issue, especially since I am writing this post while listening to a song that completely reminds me of a certain other charmer, however other charmer is not an option, which is sad. Prince charming gave me a CD today. It's a band I've never heard of but I listened to it and I really like it. He has good taste in music. Dare I say I am making progress? Virginia Faith at 5:16 PM 0 Comments:Friday, March 18, 2005 R doesn't really mean reverse does it? The impact of my fender to the person behind me's bumper kinda tells me it does! Yesterday, I got in my car and I was ready to drive off but I was in reverse when I really wanted to be in drive and I backed right into the woman behind me. The woman and her daughter were there in their car. I was freaking out. Luckily there was no damage to either of our cars. I haven't yet mentioned that prince charming was right there! Ekkk! I hope he isn't totally scared of me now. He says he isn't but.....i just hope he's not. Virginia Faith at 4:03 PM 2 Comments:Hahaha...Ohman. How long have you had your license? A month? You are absolutely never allowed to make fun of my driving ever again. By 5:31 PM , atExcuse me, at the time I had had my licience for a month and a half. Besides, if this is who I think it is, mom still says I'm a better driver than you. By Virginia Faith, at 5:31 PM Tuesday, March 15, 2005 Well, after the recent unavailability of senior prince charming arose - a pint of ice cream, 2 jamba juices, and lots of chicken chow mien later - I have moved on to a new, younger prince charming. Now, I don't usually go for the younger ones. But saying as I was certain he was the same age as me for the longest time, and he is taller than me, I think it's still acceptable. Today I was told that when I say I am going after a guy or that I am going to talk to him, I really just stand there next to the person waiting for him to talk to me. Also, making progress means he actually talked to me for once. So as I have a new love interest, I am going to attempt to actually make real progress by attempting to engage in conversation myself. However, any asistance is greatly appreciated(Mocca Feren). Time to treat myself to a delectable jamba juice. Yes! Virginia Faith at 3:14 PM 0 Comments:This is an awesome picture. A little something I like to call tuba power. Click here for tuba power... Virginia Faith at 3:11 PM 0 Comments:Monday, March 14, 2005 Well, I finally broke down and did something about my hair. I was looking at the wonderful picture I had taken at AKA Smiles a year and a half ago and I think it is a very attractive picture. I want to look like that again. So I did the unexpected. I cut 9 inches of my hair...ekk!...and am now in the process of dying it golden blonde. Some will be happy I'm getting rid of a lot of hair, others won't. I guess if you can't please them all, please yourself. I feel like I was just on ambush make over, except I ambushed myself. Virginia Faith at 9:27 PM 0 Comments:Thursday, March 10, 2005 A special congratulations goes out to two very talented musicians whom I feel very privileged be with friends with right now. Tim, for earning the principle cellist position, and Chris, for earning the position of concertmaster in the national honor orchestra, taking place in Indianapolis this week. You guys rock! Virginia Faith at 9:42 PM 0 Comments:Wednesday, March 09, 2005 Disappointment Disappointment you shouldn't have done you couldn't have done you wouldn't have done the things you did then And we could've been happy what a pitons thing, a hideous thing was tainted by the rest But it won't get any harder and I hope you'll find your way again And it won't get any higher, and it all boils down to what you did then In the night we fight. I fled you're light it was exactly then. I decided and drew you art In the night we fight. I fled you're light it was exactly there. I decided But it won't be any harder and I hope you'll find your way again And it won't get any higher but it all boils down to what you did then Disappointment -The Cranberries The point is, I'm disappointed. I would have gone to lunch with him any day. Now, I will listen to the above song over and over again until I have to go to Annelise's house for quartet rehearsal. Then I will be over it....i think. Virginia Faith at 4:48 PM 0 Comments:Tuesday, March 08, 2005 I've decided that my comfort food is chicken chow mien. Everyone should have a comfort food, whether it be macaroni and cheese, or chicken cow mien. It's comforting to a have a comfort food (haha). Well, progress is slow these days, and slow is the best-case scenario. Hopes of going to prom have slimmed considerably. Graduation day is coming closer thus the clock is ticking faster for me to win Prince Charming's affection. So I wait. 5 minutes later..... Well, waiting sucks. I dont know how I managed to wait for a year before. Virginia Faith at 4:52 PM 1 Comments:My comfort food is sushi and chocolate pots. ------------------------------------------------- {xoxo} |
![]() Name: Virginia Faith DOB: February 22 Hobbies: Music Heros: Christopher O'Riley, Joshua Bell, Bond(the string quartet), Vanessa-Mae
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