Sunday, December 14, 2003 Novy's essay assignment:"If your parents could choose your boyfriend, what would he be like? My Mom: Well dear, he can't smoke or be intoxicated with any sort of drug. He has to respect your wishes. He has to be a straight A student. He has to respect his teachers. Etc, Etc, Etc,........... It went on for hours! Her explanation was a perfect example of prince charming! Virginia's conclusion: This assignment bites! Virginia Faith at 8:52 PM Thursday, December 11, 2003 I find it frustrating that all these amazingly talented musicians have not been playing for that much longer then I have. And there is no way I can catch up to them in 2 years. I ask myself why this is, so I begin searching for a better reason then the fact that had a just rough start. Maybe being a well rounded musician is what's holding me back. If I quit band and concentrate all my musical skills to orchestra then maybe I can catch up. I've pondered this but for some reason I can't push myself to do it. I die at the thought of leaving the bands even though there is no chance of a career in it. I am sorry but if anyone thinks they can make a career from playing the tuba you have been deeply mislead. More power to you for trying and please contact me when you famous but let us get back to reality. I've just always had more fun with band students for the most part. There's just a different attitude to "band geeks". Orchestra students are not as loose, not as much fun(with two exceptions that I've come across).If this is this is the hidden reason for my lack of amazing talent, then I will never be the amazing musician that dream of. So I find myself back to the only other possible reason for this lack of remarkable talent:I had a rough start. And what do I have to blame for this other than myself? The only town I new until a few short months ago. Fernley. The Town no child should ever have to encounter. I was blind to this when I had my first opportunity to leave but now that I am paying for it I have nothing but regret. I have been a violinist for 7 years now and last year was my first year in an orchestra. You ask how this is possible? My answer:Fernley. I used to be the best musician under 18 back in Fernley. Now I'm an average teenager. An orchestra? In Fernley? You will find no such thing. Private string teachers? In Fernley? You will find no such thing. By all means if you can please prove me wrong please do, but Fernley will never change. I had the opportunity to leave 7 years ago with my mom but I passed up that opportunity. So now I have found that I have no one to blame for my poor skills..........except for me. Virginia Faith at 5:21 PM 0 Comments:Tuesday, December 09, 2003 "I must deny the lullabye The skin the touch that makes me high I must deny not knowing why The truth has left me dumb tongue-tied" SBL Virginia Faith at 5:15 PM 0 Comments:Monday, December 08, 2003 "There's nothing out there Am I the last girl on earth Don't you want me If I'm the last girl on earth There's nothing out there And I'm the last girl on earth" SBL Virginia Faith at 9:05 PM 0 Comments:Friday, December 05, 2003 Hey everyone! This was completely Tim's Idea. I'm just testing this out. Virginia Faith at 5:15 PM 0 Comments:------------------------------------------------- {xoxo} |
![]() Name: Virginia Faith DOB: February 22 Hobbies: Music Heros: Christopher O'Riley, Joshua Bell, Bond(the string quartet), Vanessa-Mae
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